Monday, September 15, 2014


Lian mang
2 period

     People doesn't use to read news on Facebook at all, using Facebook just conduct many people to risk their life. Young people spend their time on texting,movie,snapchat, viber, specially on Facebook ,do they read news? Or either they earn any beneficial,probably not , they could read news on google or any other website it's still available to read .

BBC news, CNN or many channel are available to reads without using Facebook , people said, they use to read some news on Facebook, it's  not the right way to choose. In article "The app for the iPhone is part of what Facebook says is its big push to deliver "the best personalized newspaper in the world."(By Jessica Guynn), if person use wisely on Facebook, it could be the best way gain knowledge .but for generalize it's more risky.

      Recent people design using Facebook paper to find easier the news they interest "Many people use Facebook for consuming news they find interesting," Blau said. "I think the Facebook Paper app may have a bit more success than some of the other app failures that Facebook has had in the past mainly because news has been a central tenet of the Facebook interface for many years."said (Jessica guynn). Even though they used Facebook paper, also Facebook, google news and BBC could might still provide them more interesting news. While they read news on Facebook , notification and text massage would appear from best friend so, such as detrimental come through while using finding news website on Facebook .

In united state, almost 75 percent young people use Facebook to communicate but 75 out of only 10 used for helpful their Facebook Although "I'm intrigued by it personally because I like to sit at lunch time and read news stories," Sullivan said. "I might fire up the app if it delivers good news content." In reality he didn't actually accomplish what he said, users Facebook 65 percent enjoy on just chatting and snapchat with friend. Only a few people will use the app on Facebook to get some news, so however visit news website on google had most more successful rather than using the app on Facebook .

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