Thursday, October 23, 2014


(Meaningful street)
The middle of the street was amazing place I had seen ever, when our family vacation trip to Dallas downtown last summer. I feel enjoy as much as having a million dollar, eye sparkling , and family laughing while we climb on the Buffaloes statues and  laugh like children playing outside. We went to restaurant for hunting fresh pizza and super cool orange juice mixture ice, we enjoy our food just a moment. Continue to walk, holding a huge camera and iphone5 to take picture, it's really heavy for me. My brother shoot video as children playing under water falling from five feet high separately,the Buffaloes standing on the green field without swaying  their tails, and people surrounding  hustle a place of John Kennedy death.

The end of the day our trip after seeing the place of John Kennedy death, I am nervous to see approximately a hundred of people cycling the street. They're shooting video and taking picture with their family at the exact place of John Kennedy death, blocking cars, traffic jam with people holding their own wife and kids leading to different direction. One of the old man has been almost accident by car because he stuck on looking that people cycle. We're walking through the whole town under sun hot all day long, we saw many different kind of race, including Chinese , black, India  and also white foreign people who were flying from their own country to see john Kennedy death place too. I saw the shortest people like two feet height, fattest people like five hundred pound, skinny people as thin as the stick, and the youngest to the oldest like a month old and hundred years old. Even lame, blind and homeless people were on the street begging for some food and money.
 John Kennedy death was in 1963 almost four decade ago, he sing to people heart. One old man hold up the poster with kennedy photo and big name, conducting 100 people to promote Kennedy . I feel like they demonstrate about the way he got killed, because even His photo sticking on news paper that day, day of wonderful vacation on summer had been great experience to me. To see the central of  the street was misery for everyone, understanding  how a great people surviving   After their body had die . AWSOME.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Go world video

   Go World Video

He born in rural town with poverty family,and his place doesn't offer opportunities to rich. The world rude to him on his childhood lifetime , because he can't go to school, but lian had a chance to get oppoturnity also, at fourteen age. He leaves his family behind , and approching for Malaysia , the place of better earned wage and easier job. However Lian could learn education to be rich, although his childhood life did not allow education available. Because he came to live in America by refugees after two years later he been working in Malaysia, and lian had a dream to going to college too.

Before I write my go world story, the past experience of in my life remind me especially than other thing else, I summarized instead of too long and my mind consider the most worst thing that almost destroyed my career make me prefer to write and exposed to other people because I think my life had the most conflict  in the world.

While writing draft of story, the words came to my mind without thinking, I try to used the better words to describe my story, but  the reason that coming in my hearts seem to be the best. I am not pretending to write the stories , so the exactly word come easily from my life experience .

To write my own stories isn't really struggle with me because I am not writing about my friend,my hand is not the writer neither  my head, priority experience wrote itself. I write five draft in summarized and the last draft make the theme.

I got plenty of feedback from other students, they comments my stories on note card during I read front of classes, theirs comment really make me prove how i grammar and choosing higher word also because each student complain on what I struggle thing with writing strong essay.

I create the video after all finishing writing story and finding appropriately picture for the story, I processing with writing story, finding picture, considering the best way to edit and downloading editor. All those were processing two day with other homework.

I am not really happy with finishing my video, and the editor that I used couldn't impress because there is no chance to work at home, my problem with wifi, and homework. I didn't do well doing  at free time and during block lunch.

My nerves and excitement position exactly the same to showing in class, but unfortunately my teacher didn't show us because the time doesn't offer opportunities for showing all student video. I am not happy with that.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

no need to get offend for asking where you from?

(No need to offend quickly)

Spanish speaker talking to me in Spanish instead of english while she ask me let her used my pen in biology classes ,should I be offend to him? Why she didn't used english unless she sure for what kind of race is me? But I know she didn't intend let me offend, and I just allow to her used my pen really . I ask her the reason why she used to talking to me in Spanish? and I just wanted gave you a surprised she said. Occasionally, in our society people appeared really rude the way they used communication and treatment people, especially in school because the way teenager used a word was chaos.

In my chemistry class, Mexico boy Jorge was our partner for project, finding definition and picture of volume, temperatures, kilograms and meter. "hey do you speak English" said (Jorge) during we're doing on our projects, and I just get offended quickly  but Randy support me notify Jorge that I am speak English for real. Because Jorge didn't listening to me, and he don't know what i am asking him, I ask him the idea for drew volume, is he intend to me offend? No because just he didn't hear me obviously, It's Jorge's wrong cause I get offend by his question? Not might be, I rather the one who's wrong, I admit it because I get offend so easy unless he didn't intend offend me anyway.
 offend yourself easily isn't not any beneficial, we don't know how people feel inside when they trying to comfort us, we rather  think that's is alienate. In article "Being offended is a choice you make. Nobody is responsible for that choice but you" said (Matt Walsh), But differently if the guy that's not your acquaintance complain about your nature culture or your personal, you could be offend even though you're not who got offend  efficiently  . Other way, on one wouldn't feel the way how you did, you just make destroyed your emotion and feel good if you get offended easily.

Many people think asking about their race is offender, when you meet some one else, would you ignore them without talking? If they know your offering  thing or nature of culture, they could avoid doing what you don't like. Also being friendship is not just sitting together and eating lunch together, understand both side is the most powerful thing in friendship, if they ask you about your country, you just tell them and ask them too, that's way you wouldn't get offended easily. Be positive on whatever people to you and just be happy.